Monday, February 11, 2013

Easy, Inexpensive Allergen free snacking

If the prices of the store bought ready made allergen free snacks make you feel like screaming, throwing up, or just not eating then these ideas are for you! My children (almost 2 and 4) spend there time doing one of two things, or at least is feels this way to me, eating or talking about eating. I hungry, or Mom when are we going to eat? are frequent questions, and I am getting tired of baking three times a week and seeing the amount of sugar they consume. So we have recently come up with some healthier  less time consuming and more wallet friendly options.

Hummus filled grape tomatoes
For a light tasting, protein filled snack.
Hollow out the desired number of grape tomatoes, all you need to to is slice off the end where they were attached to the vine and go around the inside in a circle with your knife to remove the seed and innerds.
Using a small spoon,, or medicine dispenser, or plastic bag that you fill and cut the tip off of, fill with desire type of hummus. We like roasted red pepper or plain around here.

Sunbutter fruit dip.
My mom made a great fruit dip when I was a kid, however it was full of dairy and I haven't managed to remake it allergen free yet. But, I did come up with this last week and the kids loved it, my oldest was licking his plate at the end!
Trader Joes Sunbutter (it doesn't have any soy in it, and is the only one that doesn't break my son out) put it in a small bowl by the spoon full (I used about one large serving spoon full to make enough dip for 2 sliced apples)
1 regular spoon full of powdered sugar
Drizzle Honey to taste and splash of rice milk to thin it out.
Stir with a fork until all ingredients are incorporated and smooth enough to dip out without that clumpy sticky texture.

Quick Smoothie
What kid or adult doesn't like a smoothie? Just toss a banna, some frozen fruit and a splash or two or rice milk in the blender and voila! You can even make it more like a dessert and add some allergen free chocolate chips  or syrup to the mix.

Rice cake "Popcorn"
If you can't have corn and miss something to munch with your movies this one is for you.
Break up a rice cake into bite size pieces
Melt some Earth Balance soy free spread and drizzle over the top.
Gently mix to coat.
You can sprinkle on an other topping you desire, cinnamon sugar, vegan rice Parmesan cheese or add in some Enjoy life chocolate chips.

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