Wow, I have to admit i forgot totally and completely about this blog! Between Baby #2, a cross country move, and the crazy that is food allergies it got lost in the shuffle, but I found it again today and am going to be faithful to it from now on!
By way of an update, Neil allergies have flexed and changed but at this point we have reached a stabel place with them. He can't have nut or dairy products of any kind, and any kind of melon now breaks his face out in a rash so we have given those up as well. Wheat, corn, soy and food dye give him skin rashes, behavior issues and intestinal discomfort so we are avoiding those.
What in the world does that leave? Well nothing much pre packaged or under thirty minutes that's for sure! My cooking skills have gotten a workout in the last 2 years, i have fallen deeply in love with my crock pot, and we have returned to real food. We aren't that picky about foods being organic, and on one income couldn't afford to be anyway, so we do what we can, but do use fruit and veggie wash regularly!
I hope what i have learned in the last year will be helpful to you, please feel free to contribute and comment !
(conversion charts for nuts, dairy, wheat flours, and eggs coming later today!)
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